2011/10/20 M4.0 Berkeley

Map view, fault perpendicular, and fault longitudinal cross sections of real-time double-difference locations of the mainshock and its aftershocks (colored dots and circles). Gray dots and circles represent high-res background seismicity. Circle size in B-B` is proportional to magntiude for 3 MPa stress drop source. Squares in map view show routine network locations for comparison. Green lines in map view are fault traces. Click on figure to zoom in.

3D view of sequence.
2011/10/20 M4.0: Fault overview figure. Event summary figure. 3D view.

2011/10/21 M3.8: Fault overview figure. Event summary figure. 3D view.
2011/10/27 M3.6: Fault overview figure. Event summary figure. 3D view.

hypoDD-RT solutions: ddrt.dat.

Contact: Felix Waldhauser, LDEO, Columbia Univ. (felixw@ldeo.columbia.edu)