Event 71681796 M=1.3 - 3D View

This page uses the 3D JavaView viewer to show real-time double-difference hypocenter locations of earthquakes in Northern California. The box below is centered on event 71681796, which has the following hypoDD-RT solution:

Date: 2011/11/15 | Time: 17:24:26.440 | Latitude: 37.87159 | Longitude: -122.24220 | Depth: 9.168 | Magnitude: 1.3
Quality: 1 | Shift: 1.083 | Version: 1.1

There are 925 earthquakes in the box. Magnitude cutoff is -1 (except for events within the last week).

Loading earthquakes.


  • Red event is hypoDD-RT solution for event 71681796 (M=1.3)
  • Events in previous HOUR | DAY | WEEK
  • DD-RT catalog (2010-present) (M>-1)
  • DD catalog (84-09) (M>-1)
  • Larger circles: M>4
  • Red lines: faults from USGS
  • Top square of the bounding box has green/blue sides, blue on the North.
  • XYZ box dimensions (km) = 15.0 x 15.0 x 15.0.

  • Viewer instructions:

    Left-Mouse Drag to rotate
    s Drag to scale
    t Drag to translate
    p Show year, mag, ID
    r Reset view
    w / q Start / Stop auto-rotation
    More ... JavaView Help

    Applet written by Robert Simpson (simpson@usgs.gov) and modified to show DDRT results. Contact: felixw@ldeo.columbia.edu.

    Time created: Wed Nov 16 15:34:14 UTC 2011